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Showing posts from 2010

The balance of life

Come to think of it, since eternity, how perfectly are all heavenly bodies suspended and moving in space. Just right, not colliding with each other, not wanting to occupy another’s space, all engaged serenely in a supreme, divine, cosmic dance of balance! The whole of the cosmos understands balance – why doesn’t man? Look at the human body – a model of balance and coordination. Its balance of hormones, acids and alkalis, salts and minerals, liquid and solid matter make man possible. All of nature understands balance. It is built around balance and operates in balance. Why not man? It is obvious that our state of stability is completely dependent on the state of our mind – it rules our very existence. Take care to not upset the mind and everything else falls in place. But how not to upset the mind? A sthithapragna is one who is undisturbed in happiness and misery, in gain and loss, and in victory and defeat. Buddha calls this attitude the middle path. To be in the middle is to be centre

The fact is WE DON’T and not WE CAN’T!

I understand it does not matter how much I have, but what really matters is what I do with what I have. Most people are a victim of a thinking disease which is, “I am not doing as well as I should. So what alibi I can use to save my face?” Poor health; lack of education; too old; too young; bad luck; fate; spouse; child abuse; upbringing; god…and the list is endless. At first this alibi is a lie but in frequently repeating it, it appears to be truth. What was common in these great people – Charles Dickens, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Vincent Van Gogh and H.G.Wells? They all suffered from Epilepsy. Being blind didn’t stop Stevie Wonder from winning the Grammy. Being short didn’t affect either Don Bradman or Sachin Tendulkar from imprinting their names in cricket history. Sarah Bernhardt, regarded as the greatest French actress was disabled by a knee injury, her leg amputated in 1914. She continued starring on stage until just before her death. Ludwig von Beethoven, one


A soulmate need not necessarily be your life partner. I was deeply touched by the concept of Soulmates in Paulo Coelho's book Brida . "It seems one soul actually splits into two and becomes two people. And everyone gets only one chance in their lifetime to meet their soulmate. The way you recognize your soulmate is that through him or her, you can see eternity" It sometimes become that one of the partner expects the other to accept him/ her to be the soulmate. It requires a lot of understanding to accept the fact that soulmate is entirely different from a life partner. "Rarely" it does happen that you find that "special soul" in your partner and when that happens is when one really feels contented in life. In today's scenario, i can see that a lot of youngsters, in the name of searching for their soulmates, end up getting into unwanted relationships which make them regret for the rest of their life. Soul mate may be your best friend, your neighbou