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Showing posts from February, 2010


A soulmate need not necessarily be your life partner. I was deeply touched by the concept of Soulmates in Paulo Coelho's book Brida . "It seems one soul actually splits into two and becomes two people. And everyone gets only one chance in their lifetime to meet their soulmate. The way you recognize your soulmate is that through him or her, you can see eternity" It sometimes become that one of the partner expects the other to accept him/ her to be the soulmate. It requires a lot of understanding to accept the fact that soulmate is entirely different from a life partner. "Rarely" it does happen that you find that "special soul" in your partner and when that happens is when one really feels contented in life. In today's scenario, i can see that a lot of youngsters, in the name of searching for their soulmates, end up getting into unwanted relationships which make them regret for the rest of their life. Soul mate may be your best friend, your neighbou