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Showing posts from February, 2018

Comparison AND Competition is the thief of JOY!

I was jogging this morning and I noticed a person about half a km ahead. I could guess he was running a little slower than me and I felt good, I said to myself I will try catch up with him. I had about a km before I needed to turn off. So I started running faster and faster. Every block, I was gaining on him just a little bit. After just a few minutes I was only about 100 feet behind him, so I really picked up the pace and pushed myself. I was determined to catch up with him. Finally, I did it! I caught up and passed him. Inwardly I felt very good. "I beat him". Of course, he didn't even know we were racing. After I passed him, I realized I had been so focused on competing against him that I had missed my turn to my house,. I had missed the focus on my inner peace, I missed to see the beauty of greenery around, and in the needless hurry stumbled and slipped twice or thrice and might have hit the footpath and broken a limb. It then dawned on me, isn't that w

Faith is the ultimate!

One journalist asked a warkari devotee of Vittal who goes to Pandarpur , what's your age? Warkari: 80 years Journalist: Since how long you are visiting this Pandarpur Warkari: Since 70 years. Journalist: Have you seen Vithoba once, At least once?. Warkari: no beta, not yet. Journalist: then why do you come every year, do you believe He is there? Warkari: Can I ask you a question, from where you have come Journalist: from Pune. Warkari: do people keep pet dogs in Pune, have you seen any? Journalist: ya, each house has a dog Warkari: in village also we keep dogs, that follows us to our farm to protect from thieves. At the dead of night one dog sees the thief it starts barking, by hearing this dog another starts barking, like ways all around surrounding 100s of dogs starts barking but among the hundred dogs 99 have not seen the thief but keeping the faith in this 1st dog they start barking. Likewise Tukaram ji, Sant Jnaneshwar, Namdev,they have seen the